Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Mission: Blues Clues Party for my soon to be 2year old

Have you ever tried planning a character party on a budget? Its really tough. The hardest part is when you google the theme and the ideas you get from some sites are just out of this world expensive.
Well I'm a woman on a BUDGET...not a 2-3hundred dollar budget, I'm talking a real budget --some where in the 80-100 bucks range would do me great!
So that is my mission to plan my Son's Blue's Clues Party for under 100bucks.
There will be six kids and 7 adults
There will be food at the party.
I will be doing a lot of crafts, games, I will be making my own cake, and this price will include a present or two as well(he's two). If I come in under budget my husband may pass out and going over is not an option....I hope you enjoy this first party planning mission of mine!

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