So thanks for joining me on this adventure! We are going to talk about craft projects 2, 3 and 4 today....
Project 2 - Slippery Soap
Blue Construction Paper - 3 pieces
Black Marker
3 glasses of different sizes
Total Cost:
0bucks--I had supplies on hand already
If you need to purchase these items you should only plan on spending about 5 bucks...check you dollar store and borrow from friends!
Now first I apologize for now having more photos of slippery...All three of my kids were around for this one so taking pictures was tough lol.
Step One: Draw a rectangle with curved edges for the body
Step Two: Using your three glass make circles on your second sheet of papers. I did three large, three medium and seven small.
Step Three: Draw a set of arms--they do not have to be perfect, these should all be cartoony.
Step Four: Draw your face and bubble lines on Slippery and your bubbles.
Step Five: Once you have cute everything out start gluing! Slippery usually has a small trail of bubbles behind him so that's what I did with mine.
Here is mine: He is going to be taped to the bathroom mirror at the party!
Next up Project 3--Pink Snail. have you seen him? in each episode he appears three times, I will only be doing one as of now but I may add two more later.
pink construction paper-1piece
white paper-1 piece
Total Cost:
0bucks--I had all supplies on hand
If you need to purchase you should consider whether or not you have other characters to make...if not then don't purchase ask friends for the paper or purchase and have it on hand like I do...A pack of construction paper can range from 1.00 to 5.00 depending on where you shop and how much you buy. If you are following along with my Blue's Clues party then I would buy 2 large packs.
Step Two: Using you white paper draw a snail body--it doesn't have to be perfect! Cut it out when done
Step Three: Glue the two pieces together and there you have it a snail!
Last Project for today: Tickety Tock
1 piece each of purple, black, white and blue construction paper
bowl x 2 different sizes
Total Cost:
obucks-I had supplies on hand
As I said in the above project if you have to purchase it will be around 5 bucks total or so but that will also pay for other construction paper projects.
Step One: using a bowl trace a large circle, using the same technique and the smaller bowl trace a and cute a circle with the white paper as well
Step Two: Glue your two cut circles together and write the numbers on the white paper. Also draw a small set of eyes(small circles)
Step Two: Glue your two cut circles together and write the numbers on the white paper. Also draw a small set of eyes(small circles)
Step Three: Using your cup trace and cut to small circles on the blue paper...these will be the bells on to of tickety tock. Glue them to the back of the Tickety Tock.
Step Four: cut another small circle and put it in between the two larger circles. Then using your black paper cute two arms and two small circles. Cut one small circle in half--this will be her feet. glue the other to the hands and then to the center of the clock. Draw a mouth and you are done!
So that is it for today's Projects!
Mission: Blues Clues Party 100 bucks or Less
Total Cost so far:
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